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Quantum Physics & Decisions:
A conscious decision of what to observe creates the reality. Quantum theory teaches us this undeniably fact. But without the decision, reality remains an ambiguous superposition of all possible states. Most people do not fulfill the idea that "thoughts create their reality" because they fail to "decide" on what it is they wish to observe. My friend Peter Ragnar says "Decisions Solidify Visions" and this is actually backed by quantum science. "Decide" to observe something spectacular in your life right now and do not waiver or vacillate... Know that your very decision will create it. Consciousness meets physical reality with every decision you make, so choose wisely my friends ;-)
"The Mind of God is Music Resonating Through 10-dimensional Hyperspace."
-Michio Kaku (one of the founders of String Theory) ☆ WE ARE MADE OF STARDUST ☆
"We are star stuff that has taken its destiny into its own hands" -Carl Sagan I love this quote because it is a reminder that the heavier atoms in our body (with atomic weights greater that Iron) have their origins in a supernova explosion (not earth). Iron has Atomic number 26 and ALL fusion reactions UP TO Iron are Exothermic; that is they release energy. Beyond Iron, energy must be supplied to create the heavier elements which could only come about by a supernova explosion. Our earth has around 65 naturally occurring elements heavier than iron. What this means is that OUR Sun is a second generation star and OUR Solar system was formed from the remnants of a Supernova explosion. I think this is SO fascinating because our bodies have a whole lot of elements heavier than Iron. For example, Selenium and Iodine are two VERY important minerals found in the human body that could not be produced from fusion. Actually many of these 65 elements heavier than iron are needed in the human body, though in Trace amounts. So just remember that trillions of atoms inside your body contain the POWER of a Supernova explosion for their formation. Always remember and remind yourself just how powerful and cosmic you are. You are MADE OF STARDUST and your life, your destiny is within your own hands! "We create history by our observation, rather than history creating us."
-Stephen Hawking For those that want a little more, here is the full excerpt. "The usual assumption in cosmology is that the universe has a single, definite history. One can use the laws of physics to calculate how the history develops with time. We call this the "bottom-up" approach to cosmology." But since we must take into account the quantum nature of the universe as expressed by the Feynman sum over histories, the probability amplitude that the universe is NOW in a particular state is arrived by adding up the contributions from all the histories that satisfy the no boundary condition and end in the state in question. In other words, one shouldn't follow the history from the "bottom-up" because that assumes there's a single history, with a well defined starting point and evolution. Instead, one should trace the histories from the top down, backward from the present time. Some histories will be more probable than others, and the sum will normally be dominated by a single history that starts with the creation of the universe and culminates in the state under consideration. But there will be different histories for different possible states of the universe at the present time. This is a RADICALLY different view of cosmology, and the relation between cause and effect. The histories that contribute to the Feynman sum don't have an independent existence, but depend on what is being measured. We create history by our observation, rather than history creating us." (from the Book, "The Grand Design" by Stephen Hawking). "Big things are not made of little things. They are made of entities whose attributes are not there when you don't look, but become there when you do look" - Nick Herbert
To be clear, little things refers to REALLY little things at the atomic and molecular level (and even smaller). For example, it would take about 100 million atoms lined up end to end to equal an inch... Have you ever stopped to consider why the universe exists at all? It seems that left in the vacuum of infinity with nothing to start with, nothing would ever have been created?
To me the greatest mystery and the greatest gift is that we exist at all with these precious gifts of life, love, consciousness and unlimited possibilities to become anything, do anything and have anything our heart's desire... It is my current opinion that nothingness can be defined as infinite possibilities (or more Scientifically as a superposition of ALL possible Universes existing simultaneously as pure potential). So there is no need to think that everything was created from nothing, because nothing has always contained everything... It's not about trying to find all the answers, it's about finding the right questions to ask...
Albert Einstein's theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity came from ONLY two questions 1) What would it mean if the speed of light is the same for all observers? [*This question gave birth to Special Relativity and such ideas as 4D space-time and E=mc^2] 2) Why do all things fall to the ground with the same accelerations? [**This question gave rise to General Relativity and the idea that Gravity is purely a Geometric curving of spacetime] Einstein did not have all the answers but he did ask two questions that developed into two of the most important scientific discoveries in the history of the human mind, both special and general relativity. "Nature tends towards lighter things..."
Basically, there is a general rule in quantum theory that says: Left alone, a heavier thing will turn into a lighter thing if at all possible. It is not a hard concept to understand, really... A thing left alone cannot go to a heavier thing because there is no energy being added (remember mass = energy by E=mc^2), but there is always a chance a heavier thing can shed some energy and become lighter. So we should all "lighten up" a little and help enlighten the world! Whenever you look out into space, you are looking backwards in time. And whenever you move forwards into space, you travel into the future (especially when approaching the speed of light).
It's strange how Einstein's Special Relativity allows time travel into the future, but not the past, yet we really only perceive the past with our senses... But the best place to be is within the heart of consciousness in this (take a deep breath), "present" moment... Take another deep breath! If the universe exists as a fractal/ self-similar and interconnected series of black holes from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, then we all share a common event horizon in which all the information of eternity is within our reach. All singularities intersect at the heart of all that is, and the heart of all that is, is within our hearts.
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