- PEMF & Energy Medicine
You Alone Exist in the Universe ★ PART 3
★ Synchronicity ★ Two or more events that happen seemingly by chance but yet in a deeply meaningful or symbolic way. Actually Synchronicity by definition is almost the opposite as happening by pure random chance. It is my hypothesis that synchronistic events are a strange attractor or subtle quantum entanglement that links us all together and all of our unique universes in a deeply meaningful and symbolic way that reflects our inward thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words. There are no accidents or chance encounters. Everything happens for a reason and everything has meaning. Your outward universe is a symbolic projection of your inner universe on the infinitely rich canvas of the holographic universe. After going to the Pro-Youthing Seminar with Peter Ragnar and Joe Vitale, I experienced a very high blissful energy for the last day of the event and two days after the event and it is dawning on me that as we move into a higher consciousness and frequency, our experience of symbolic and meaningful occurrences (aka Synchronistic events) happens more and more frequently. The higher your frequency the higher the frequency of these magical events. Here are a few random synchronistic events I have encountered the past two days: Because I had one of the few cars at the ProYouthing Event, I was able to take Peter Ragnar and Katrina out to Whole Foods for dinner. When we arrived we all visualized a parking place open up and we parked right in front of the entrance! What a magical night. The next night I loaned my car out to Peter and a few others and went out with another group, and as week arrived back at midnight I wondered how I was going to get my car back and just that moment they pulled into the parking lot. And there were many little things during the event in which my thoughts were reflected by outward occurrences. As well as chance encounters like meeting people at the elevator I was going to meet up with. Perfect timing and impeccably "lucky" occurrences. Magic Monday (Day after the event)... I say magic Monday because the idea of Synchronicity was so profoundly demonstrated that I truly felt I was alone in my universe and everything was created by me. First off, I effortlessly made over $2000 in profit from my online business. Not bad for one day... My sweetheart of a friend came over and we shared so many magical moments that the night seemed surreal. There was a nice gentle breeze with a perfect temperature and in front of screened window we shared many dreams and affirmations and the WIND would magically confirm things we affirmed to such a startling coincidence that it gave me goosebumps. The timing was perfect. We pretended the wind were an angels flying in and their confirmation to things we said was manifested by the wind and its intensity. I really cannot describe in words this experience it was so transcendent. Then we traveled in my convertible under the starry night with again perfect temperature on our way to a restaurant that was really closed... Something inside me just kept driving and we arrived late and we were welcomed with open arms and ate a gourmet raw meal (or at least I did). On the way back home the radio songs confirmed and reaffirmed many things we talked about that night and we danced in the car under the stars. It was such a magical night and I had the deep realization that I created it all and it was all me. I was truly Alone in my Universe, yet never more connected. Raise your vibration and be watchful. Each moment in life is symbolic and everything that happens has meaning (both good and bad). There are no chance occurrences or events and you never bump into someone by accident. Look for meaning in your life and life will express itself in meaningful ways.
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
December 2012