- PEMF & Energy Medicine
We Live in a Loving and Magical Universe that Reflects Back to Us Always What is Inside of Us. There are no accidents, no karma, no unfair occurrences, nobody EVER is to blame for Anything that happens in your life, but YOU! Anything good or bad that happens in your life is a reflection of your INNER Universe. Most people think the outer Universe is Real and solid and full of color and experience. What if the Inner Universe was much More Real and the Outer Universe just a reflection and actually more illusory? Perhaps we are looking in the wrong direction to understand life; looking outside instead of looking in. The outer reality is a useful tool to understand your Inner Reality if you see and become aware that EVERYTHING that happens, every moment, is a reflection of your inner reality. You just have to pay attention. PAY ATTENTION! Pay attention to your outer world, pay attention to everything that happens, everything that people around you say and do. AND pay attention to your inner world and everything YOU think, say and do. By paying attention you will start to unravel and DIS-Cover your inner landscape and your inner reality will open up in 3D color. THE PROBLEM The problem is that most people do not want to embrace, love, accept, express and resolve all the judgments, criticisms, condemnations that they have about themselves and others. Carl Jung calls this the Shadow and its that part of yourself you repress or suppress because you think its evil, bad, ugly or sinful... Its NOT!!! It's a part of you and you created it and AS A CREATOR GOD of your inner Universe, you need to embrace, love, accept, express and resolve these inner judgments about what you have done in the past. If you don't your outer reality will reflect these unconscious patterns RIGHT IN YOUR FACE, and you will wonder why life seems so cruel at times and wonderful at other times. IT'S 100% ALWAYS YOU! ITS YOU YOU YOU!!! We are actually Creator Gods that are only at 2% or less of our true potential and if you have a strong intent to become more aware and RESOLVE the judgments that keep your Mentality, Love and Will locked up, you will be amazed at what you can do!
Non Judgement Day Is Coming
☯ ✡☨ ✞ ✝☥ ☦ ☧ ☩ ☪ ☫ ☬ ☭ AT-ONE-MENT IS UPON US!!! ONE GOD - ONE SOURCE - NO JUDGEMENT Since we survived the End of the World, Let's Start a New FUN-DA-MENTAL Religion. THis is where the "FUN" Comes Before "DA MENTAL" and all roads lead to OM. We No Longer Need a Guru for G-U-R-U (GEE, YOU ARE YOU) No savior required because Jeez It's US! It's always been US! Lets have fun in love and oneness, and celebrate the awakening of PLANET EARTH! H☮ 'oponopono clearing technique (Part 2)
♥Ginger Snaps♥ Dr. Hew Len, the main teacher of the Ho'oponopono clearing technique offers a simple way to be memory free and become transparent to transcendence! Light can only shine perfectly through a transparent medium and memories or subconscious programs (like blame, memories, negative thoughts, etc) are like a dark film over the glass of our soul that block the infinite divine light. When the light is blocked we live our lives by subconscious programming and external queues instead of true inspiration and purpose. Ho'oponopono has TWO main tenets to become memory FREE: (1) You MUST take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in your life... 100% no exceptions! Never point the finger at anyone but YOU! (2) Memories or subconscious programs are the source of what you experience as problems. Not your kids, not your husband, not your family, not other people, not Bin Laden, not George W. Bush or Obama, not the government, not the illuminati or Bildeberg group, not the aliens or reptilians, and not even your Mother-in-Law. YOU, YOU YOU, its in YOU!!! The Problem is in YOU. POP QUIZ: Where do problems arise? a) in YOU b) in YOU c) in YOU d) All of the above (3) Ho'oponopono is the solution to problems. As such it is a Problem solving technique not a healing technique per se, but certainly it can and does heal. Simply say I'm sorry Please forgive me Thank you I Love You over and over and over and over... clean, erase, transmute, love. Always ask yourself whenever you encounter a person or situation: (This is the $50,000 question to ask → SO PAY ATTENTION!!) "What memories or data are playing in me that this person or event is in front of me right now. What is it I need to clear?" Dr. Hew Len uses ginger snaps sometimes to demonstrate how Ho 'oponopono is like taking the negative memories and programs we have and transmuting them into pure energy and love; its as easy as eating a ginger snap (which is also transmuted into pure energy). The Ho'oponopono technique is an offering to the divine to transmute the memories into love, just as eating a ginger snap is an offering to the body temple in which the body transforms into energy. Enjoy!!! p.s. The gingersnaps pictured are 100% RAW AND VEGAN made by the incredible raw chef Natalia KW. I am eating these ginger snaps as I am writing this and I am in total bliss from the love put into them... So symbolic of Ho'oponopono!!! Natalia is the "soon to be" best selling author of the Raw recipe book "Pure Pleasures". Check out here website at Self I-dentity Through Ho'oponopono (Part 1)
Ho' oponopono means literally to make good or to make right, from Ho'o "to" and pono "goodness". In my opinion this is easily the easiest, most powerful and most effective cleaning, clearing, erasing, purifying, letting go and letting God technique I have encountered. There is a lot out there trying to explain this ancient Hawaiian Technique, but in essence and practice it is very simple and effective and has four IDEAS. IDEA 1: ☮100% Responsibility - Peace Begins with Me☮ You have created everything in your life, 100% no exceptions. Everything you see, feel and experience and all events and people you encounter were created by YOU. The U-niverse begins with U! Putting this into Practice: In every situation ask yourself, "What is going on inside me that this person/event is in my presence right now." IDEA 2: Memories (or data) that play in our Subconscious Mind are responsible for ALL the problems we experience (100% Responsibility). Nobody outside of YOU has created the problems in your life (not even the IRS this time of year). It's only your subconscious memories playing. Anger, frustration, problems, depression, lack of money, health, etc all stems from memories IN YOU. People, situations and events occur because of what is inside YOU. Most people are unaware that they are almost 100% run by their subconscious memories and programs. IDEA 3: Problem Solving = These memories (data) can be erased using Ho'oponopono which is a mantra with four basic parts you repeat over and over "consciously". a) I'm Sorry b) Please Forgive Me c) Thank You d) I Love You This is an ongoing cleaning process that clears old memories so you can be clear! Once you are clear, true Inspiration and joy can flow through you. But its a process, an ongoing process... Basically the mantra is offering the memory/data to the Divine within you to transmute into pure energy and release it from your subconscious mind. Because we consciously can only process 15-40 bits of information a sec and our subconscious minds can process somewhere around 11 million, this mantra or prayer to "Source" or "God" or "Love" or "Divine Intelligence" is a true letting go and letting God. IDEA 4: Purpose of Life is to Be FREE - Memory Free. Every moment we have a choice to either be guided by inspiration/intuition or memory/data. Inspiration only flows when one is clear of old memories, so by doing Ho'oponopono constantly and diligently we become more and more clear and more and more inspired and more and more EN-lightened. And here is the real beauty of this process... Because everyone you attract into your life is because of shared memories or data, by clearing yourself, you actually clear them as well. REMEMBER: Wherever I go and whatever I do is an opportunity to clean, clear, erase and let go and let God and in clearing and erasing these memories in me, I help to erase them in all peoples, animals, plants and even inanimate objects around me. This is in my opinion the greatest labor of LOVE we can possibly do and it begins and ends with the LOVE in YOU! You Alone Exist in the Universe ★ PART 3
★ Synchronicity ★ Two or more events that happen seemingly by chance but yet in a deeply meaningful or symbolic way. Actually Synchronicity by definition is almost the opposite as happening by pure random chance. It is my hypothesis that synchronistic events are a strange attractor or subtle quantum entanglement that links us all together and all of our unique universes in a deeply meaningful and symbolic way that reflects our inward thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words. There are no accidents or chance encounters. Everything happens for a reason and everything has meaning. Your outward universe is a symbolic projection of your inner universe on the infinitely rich canvas of the holographic universe. After going to the Pro-Youthing Seminar with Peter Ragnar and Joe Vitale, I experienced a very high blissful energy for the last day of the event and two days after the event and it is dawning on me that as we move into a higher consciousness and frequency, our experience of symbolic and meaningful occurrences (aka Synchronistic events) happens more and more frequently. The higher your frequency the higher the frequency of these magical events. Here are a few random synchronistic events I have encountered the past two days: Because I had one of the few cars at the ProYouthing Event, I was able to take Peter Ragnar and Katrina out to Whole Foods for dinner. When we arrived we all visualized a parking place open up and we parked right in front of the entrance! What a magical night. The next night I loaned my car out to Peter and a few others and went out with another group, and as week arrived back at midnight I wondered how I was going to get my car back and just that moment they pulled into the parking lot. And there were many little things during the event in which my thoughts were reflected by outward occurrences. As well as chance encounters like meeting people at the elevator I was going to meet up with. Perfect timing and impeccably "lucky" occurrences. Magic Monday (Day after the event)... I say magic Monday because the idea of Synchronicity was so profoundly demonstrated that I truly felt I was alone in my universe and everything was created by me. First off, I effortlessly made over $2000 in profit from my online business. Not bad for one day... My sweetheart of a friend came over and we shared so many magical moments that the night seemed surreal. There was a nice gentle breeze with a perfect temperature and in front of screened window we shared many dreams and affirmations and the WIND would magically confirm things we affirmed to such a startling coincidence that it gave me goosebumps. The timing was perfect. We pretended the wind were an angels flying in and their confirmation to things we said was manifested by the wind and its intensity. I really cannot describe in words this experience it was so transcendent. Then we traveled in my convertible under the starry night with again perfect temperature on our way to a restaurant that was really closed... Something inside me just kept driving and we arrived late and we were welcomed with open arms and ate a gourmet raw meal (or at least I did). On the way back home the radio songs confirmed and reaffirmed many things we talked about that night and we danced in the car under the stars. It was such a magical night and I had the deep realization that I created it all and it was all me. I was truly Alone in my Universe, yet never more connected. Raise your vibration and be watchful. Each moment in life is symbolic and everything that happens has meaning (both good and bad). There are no chance occurrences or events and you never bump into someone by accident. Look for meaning in your life and life will express itself in meaningful ways. You Alone Exist in the Universe ★ PART 2
★ Isolated Unity ★ Being alone in your universe is not being in a state of loneliness nor is it a statement of being cut off or isolated from the rest of the world. But it's also not a state of dissolving into the infinite ocean of bliss forever losing your identity and becoming one with everything and losing yourself. What if I told you that you could be a conscious, individual, separate and unique from everyone and everything else in the universe AND still remain connected and ONE with everyone and everything. You can remain Alone in your Universe as Creator of all you experience yet still have a common intersection heart to heart with everyone and everything and every other Universe. Isolated Unity is a seemingly oxymoronic statement that can be reconciled through sacred geometry, specifically the torus (or donut). Check out the attached image and notice that the human energy field has a toroidal field or flow. What is so fascinating about this geometry is that notice how you can be separate (each one of us has our own unique donut) and yet still if you go to the center and up notice that we can all still be connected heart to heart. Do you see that? It may seem counterintuitive but the idea that you Alone exist in your Universe makes you more loving and connected because you understand that at a deep level everything is interconnected and everyone is part of your own Self. Yet still you understand that you create, attract and manifest everyone and everything in your life through your thoughts, feelings words and actions and the magical mystery of Synchronistic occurrences (stay tuned for more on Synchronicity as that is the magic as to how and when our universes intersect). Understanding that you Alone exist in the Universe is a deep realization that you create and have always created and will always create the Universe YOU live in, so start RIGHT NOW making it the Best Universe EVER created! Stay Tuned for Part 3 on Synchronicity ;-) Startling Realization: You and You alone exist in your Universe.
I just got back from an incredibly amazing, enriching, loving and prosperity mindset filled weekend with Peter Ragnar, Joe Vitale and a Long Long list of luminous Beings of Light I love. I had the deep realization that I really am, not figuratively but actually the center and creator of my Universe and the ONLY participant. Everyone and everything and every event that I encounter is because I attracted it BECAUSE all of it is inside of me and outside of me because of me.... Everything! There is a deep quantum mystery that underlies this principle and while I think you may have heard the expression, "You are the creator of your own reality", did you ever consider it to be literally true in that as a Creator, everything is you and you are everything! The ineffable enigma of quantum mechanics is that consciousness and reality are not only inseparable but interchangeable. Your reality is a result of your consciousness and your consciousness creates your reality. There is no objective universe or reality separate from your consciousness. The Universe (or more precisely YOUR universe) exists because YOU observe it. These are obviously oversimplifications of an infinitely complex dynamic, but consider the possibility that you are ALONE in your Universe and everything you think, feel, see, hear, touch, taste, smell and encounter is You - created, attracted, magnetically drawn to you... That is to say that the 6.6 Billion humans on planet earth are creating 6.6 billion parallel Universes. No two people exist in the same universe, and no two Universes are alike (though it may seem so). And its not that we are alone in the sense that everyone we encounter is unreal, it's just that we are experiencing everyone in a unique light that is a reflection of our own consciousness... to be continued ;-) "Everyone sees their own unique rainbow"
I used to teach physics and one of the very interesting features of rainbows is that you always view them in the opposite direction of the sun in a 42 degree cone from your eyes to the rain droplets. Each little rain droplet refracts light like a prism... The real cool feature is that everyone sees their own rainbow... It is based on our line of sight and a 42 degree cone around us! Someone right next to you sees a different rainbow. I think it is so poetic and deeply meaningful that everyone sees their own unique rainbow. Just as we all think we see the same rainbow, I think a similar misconception is that we all view the same universe. We actually stand as creators and observers at the center of our own Universe just as we sit in the center of viewing our own unique rainbows on a misty or rainy day. So shine your uniqueness with vibrant color and joy. |
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December 2012