- PEMF & Energy Medicine
╰☆╮It's Easier and Faster to Make a LOT of Money, than a Little ╰☆╮ I had an ABSOLUTE Epiphany or Revelation last night on how Abundance FLOWS by reflecting on my 4 years teaching Physics and a few fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and electrical current flow. The idea is simple and scientific and I GUARANTEE IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IF YOU "GET IT"! ╰☆╮The More You Give, The More You Receive & The EASIER it Gets! What if I told you it is easier to receive and give LARGE amounts of money than it is to give and receive smaller amounts. You may think it is easier to make a hundred dollars than a million, and you are right if you frame it that way. BUT it's EASIER to GIVE A MILLION and MAKE A MILLION than to give a dollar and make a dollar. The difference is FLOW, both giving and receiving. Obviously you cannot give a million dollars if you don't have it, but you CAN give a BOLD and large amount OR PERCENTAGE of what your currently have. A true measure of Abundant FLOW is the PERCENTAGE of your income you GIVE TO PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS THAT INSPIRE YOU. This is sometimes referred to as Tithing and you ABSOLUTELY MUST TITHE TO RECEIVE ABUNDANCE! Tithing is just another word for giving, but its more specific because it means giving to a PERSON or CAUSE that inspires you or enriches your life. 10% is a good starting point but work up to 20% or even MORE. (Henceforth we will use "giving" or "tithing" interchangeably) ╰☆╮Have You Ever Wondered Why Money is Called Currency? To understand this, lets talk a little about currents and flow. The easiest way to visualize flow is probably the way a meandering river flows. Typically the rate of the flow is called the CURRENT. The current of a river is a velocity and could be measured in meters/sec or miles/hr. Another example of flow is electricity. Because electricity FLOWS in an analogous way to water moving along a river; the FLOW of electricity is also called a CURRENT. Only electrical current is measured in AMPS, which is basically a measure of the amount of charge moving per unit time. Still other examples of flow would be heat flow, wind velocities, traffic flow and YES MONEY FLOW. The amount of CURRENCY YOU receive is related to the FLOW (or CURRENT) of ABUNDANCE you GIVE as a PERCENTAGE of your total income. Money is currency because it flows like other fluids; that is money is a current or flow of energy. ╰☆╮The Physics of FLOW - Opening the FLOODGATES To Abundance! TWO of the Basic principles of fluid dynamics: 1) The wider the diameter of the tube (wire or pipe, etc) the lower the resistance. 2) The lower the viscosity (or thickness/stickiness) of the fluid, the lower the resistance. LOWER RESISTANCE MEANS FASTER AND GREATER CURRENT FLOW, or FLOW OF CURRENCY (aka MONEY). It's the Scientific FACT that electrical currents and fluids FLOW with less resistance when they flow through a wide opening OR when the liquid is a low viscosity (in electrical circuits lower viscosity would be LOWER temperature ---> to the point of being a superconductor). The Percentage of your total income you give is analogous to a wide pipe or wire, meaning that money will FLOW easily without resistance! The willingness and ease of GIVING is the viscosity (or lower temperature). Flowing in Abundance is ALL about giving a BOLD and generous percentage of your total income AND giving with ease and absolutely no regrets or resistance. ╰☆╮The Word AFFLUENCE has its Roots in FLOW╰☆╮ The word AFFLUENCE literally means to FLOW TOWARDS. prp. of affluere "flow toward," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + fluere "to flow" If you want to experience AFFLUENCE, ABUNDANCE, OPULENCE, WEALTH, PROSPERITY, MONEY AND RICHES, Than you absolutely must FLOW by giving and receiving. REMEMBER IT'S EASIER AND FASTER TO GIVE AND RECEIVE A LARGE FLOW OF ABUNDANCE THAN A SMALLER FLOW: $$$ THE KEY IS GIVING A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF YOUR "CURRENT" EARNINGS AND BEING OPEN TO RECEIVE EVEN AN EVEN LARGER FLOW BACK! $$$
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