- PEMF & Energy Medicine
![]() Getting into the SPACE of Abundance Space is all around us, it's in us, and it seemingly extends out into infinity. Though your body appears to be solid, it is actually 99.9999999% empty space. But that emptiness is not nothingness, it is actually filled with staggering amounts of energy, something like 10^60 ergs per cubic centimeter. So what creates your reality out of this nothingness??? YOU DO! You alone are responsible for the Universe you live in and you make it manifest by observing what you expect to see. Yes, you get what you expect and quantum mechanics is very clear on this eerie, yet magical fact. Understand that you actually create your universe, not in a poetic sense, but in a scientifically proven way. To get into the "S-P-A-C-E" of magical creation consider these five simple ideas. Five Steps to Getting into the S-P-A-C-E S-eeing P-assion A-ppreciation C-onsciousness E-xpectation By getting into the space, you become the Master and Ruler of your Universe. "Seeing" Seeing means forming a clear picture of what it is you want, which can be a car, a new home, a youthful and fit body, attracting your soul-mate, becoming a best-selling author, or whatever you want to have, do, or become. Be very, very specific and clear. It may help to start with a picture of what you want; look at it, then close your eyes and visualize it. With practice you will be able to form more clear and real mental pictures of the things you want to create. Really see it in full color, hear it, smell it, feel it and taste it. Act as if it's already yours, because IT IS!!! "Passion" Passion is the energy and emotion you infuse into your visualization of what you want. Passion is the excited anticipation of receiving what you want with all the wonderful feelings of living your dreams. The more feeling and emotion you infuse into what it is you want to have, do and become, the more quickly it manifests. Also, passion helps to guide you as to what it is you really want to create. What are you passionate about? What do you REALLY love to do. Well, start doing what you love and passion will be a given and creation will become effortless. "Appreciation" Appreciation is a combination of both giving and receiving. Abundance loves to FLOW, which means you have to RECEIVE abundance when it comes to you AND give abundance to those who inspire you. When you receive a gift from the universe, express tearful appreciation for everything you receive. Expect to be in a state of perpetual appreciation and the Universe will continuously give you things to appreciate. Also express appreciation to people, organizations and movements that inspire you and give you inspiration and soulful nourishment. Giving is a form of appreciation to people and groups that deeply touch you. "Consciousness" Consciousness means paying attention and being acutely aware of everything that happens in your like. Life is always giving us opportunities and gifts if we just pay attention. Paying attention means calming the constant mental chatter and carefully W-A-T-C-H-ing you Words, Actions, Thoughts, Character and Habits. Meditation helps in becoming more watchful, but try to be watchful with your eyes open all of the time. The more aware you become, the better you will see opportunities and gifts creation is always giving you. "Expectation" You get what you expect, not what you want. If you focus on wanting something, you will create the state of "wanting" it. If you expect what it is you want to have, do or become than you already know in advance you are getting it and creation has no choice but to give it to you. Expect to be lucky all the time and you will be, expect to be rich and you will be, expect to have the man or women or your dreams and you will, expect to become a best-selling author and you will be... Whatever it is you want to have, be or do, don't just want to have it, EXPECT TO HAVE IT and it's yours! Getting into the S-P-A-C-E puts you as the rightful Creator of the Universe you live in.
☄ The Principle of Least Action ☄ The principle of Least Action is one of the most important ideas IN ALL OF PHYSICS. It is foundational principle upon which all the laws of Nature seem to bow down to in a way that science STILL does not fully understand, but the EFFECTS of this idea have been extremely well documented again and again and again and again. The orbits of planets, the path of a thrown ball, the course of a meandering river, the path of light through a prism - all these will follow PATHS OF LEAST ACTION (defined as paths in which the TOTAL energy needed to get from point A to point B is minimized). In theory it is extremely simple: The Principle of Least Action states that Nature will ALWAYS find the most efficient, most economic, the least resistant path to get from point A to point B. How does a photon of light "know" to change its course in a prism in a way that PRECISELY minimizes the total energy and time. Some of the most decorated physicists of our time have contemplated this notion. Some say that Nature has a volition of sorts or that this is proof of consciousness in physics. ☄ The Principle of Least Action - Nature Goes with the Flow ☄ The principle of least action can be further extended to ALL OF NATURE. Given ALL possible paths, Nature will ALWAYS take the path of least action, or stated another way, Nature chooses the Easiest path, the path with the least resistance or friction. A meandering stream ALSO follows the Principle of Least Action and a River will not just take any random path, a river will take the easiest and path that consumes the smallest amount of energy - The Path of Least Action. Nature flows smooth and easy, She does not force things and She is always in tune with the rhythm and flow of the surroundings. Nature is Efficient, Nature is Economic, Nature conserves and minimizes. ☄ The ULTIMATE Time Management Technique (TMT) ☄ The Ultimate time management system (TMT) is probably NOT what you think at all. It has nothing to do with organizational strategies, or techniques that keep your mind focused (like Pomodoro, etc), though these techniques are fantastic and DO help. The ultimate TMT is tapping into Nature's infinite intelligence and riding the Quantum wave of something much larger than yourself. Quantum mechanics has proven that the Universe, namely OUR universe exists because we observe it. All you have to do is decide what it is you WANT to create AND keep your Vision on the goal, with positive emotion, affirmation and action. The good news is that the action will be a lot easier than you think as long as you Trust that the Universe will always give you WHAT YOU PUT YOUR FOCUSED ATTENTION ON. Trusting in the Universe will allow doors to open, synchronistic events to occur and all the right conditions and people will be arranged as to allow your Vision or Decision to manifest in with the LEAST amount of action. Think Big, Decide Big and ride the wave of Creation! ☄ The Universe Does NOT Understand the word "TRY" ☄ “Do or do not... there is no try." -Yoda A conscious decision of what to observe creates the reality. Quantum theory teaches us this undeniable fact which is called a quantum of ACTION. A quantum of action is simply a decision that follows a path that "minimizes" the energy needed to complete it. This is why quantum mechanics is based on whole numbers of things and why the most basic unit of the universe (h or h-bar) is a discrete and whole unit. Decisions are in whole units. You cannot make 1/2 a decision. You either decide to do it or YOU Don't. The UNIVERSE DOES NOT KNOW "TRY". This is why the quantum world is discrete and not continuous. decisions can ONLY come in whole numbers. But without the decision, reality remains an ambiguous superposition of all possible states. Most people do not fulfill the idea that "thoughts create their reality" because they fail to "decide" on what it is they wish to observe. The quantum world is unlimited potential based on probabilities and possibilities. When you make a decision to observe something, you create it by collapsing the quantum wave function from probability (or possibility) to the reality you observe. "In the deep quantum world, to see something, you must create it." -Frank Wilczek (Noble Laureate) ☄ Decisions Solidify Visions ☄ "Decide" to observe something spectacular in your life right now and do not waiver or vacillate... Know that your very decision will create it. The Quantum world is an infinite Supercomputer that will reorganize the world like a chess-board to match your decisions, beliefs, visions, affirmations and actions. Deciding what it is you want, visualizing that decision (with emotion), affirming it, and acting on it will bring about an almost effortless manifestation because you are trusting that the Universe will mirror your mind, especially once you made up your mind what it is you want. If you think you have to do it all yourself, well, the Universe will mirror that decision. ONLY focus your attention on THAT which you want to create. Find your passion, follow your bliss and start acting on it. The Universe is "Hard-Wired" or programmed to match your decisions with the principle of Least Action; All you have to do is KNOW what you want, Decide to Manifest it in your life AND Trust the Infinite Intelligence of Creation. FOLLOW YOUR BLISS AND DOORS WILL OPEN... (Part 2 of 2)
♒♒ The Road Not Taken IS the Road to Success ♒♒ Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost I really love this poem and within its melodious words is a great truth. The truth about celebrating your Self, about following your bliss and taking the road less traveled or not traveled at all. I deeply believe that we all have a gift that is so special to the Universe, that the ultimate fulfillment of Creation is not complete until we embrace it. Following your bliss and doing what you love is being IN HARMONY with your true Self and the Universe and adding your unique song to the Music of the spheres. What is your bliss? What do you love to do and what are you passionate about? What is your purpose? If you had a billion dollars and all the cars and stuff your heart desired, what would you do? What would you share with the world? These are BIG questions and I want to dispel a myth pertaining to your purpose in life. What if I told you we ALL had the same purpose? Sounds like I am contradicting myself, doesn't it? ♒♒ Your Purpose in Life is to Always Be Living ♒♒ I know this sounds obvious but follow me for a moment. I am realizing more and more that our purpose is NOT some detailed plan that is written like a blueprint, but rather an inspired work of art being creating moment by moment and note by note. Following your passion is living and that passion and inspiration can change all the time. I think IT IS VERY important however to ACT ON INSPIRATION and follow it through to completion. Don't put off inspiration because there is a SPECIAL energy or vibration that is coupled with the inspired thought. This very positive energy is what will carry the inspiration into a masterpiece. If you jot the idea down and try to finish it a year later, the energy is gone… The idea is there but it is only an empty shell. The flame CAN be re-ignited, but inspired ideas come in the HERE AND NOW. Let's look at the etymology of the word inspiration and see the connection it has with your purpose in life. The word inspire comes from the Latin root meaning "to breathe", inflame or blow into. I especially like the word "inflame" because what inspires you is what set's your soul on fire. If you are always living inspired, living with passion in the moment, YOU ARE FULFILLING YOUR PURPOSE! If you are doing this there IS NO WAY YOU WILL SEE HOW YOUR LIFE WILL UNFOLD. It's great to have goals, but make your goals about fulfilling and bringing an inspired thought to completion. And then be open for MORE inspired ideas. If you take the Road that has never been taken, you are taking YOUR ROAD! If you see the path before you, YOU ARE TAKING SOMEONE ELSES PATH! ♒♒ To Get Inspired You MUST GET CLEAR ♒♒ You cannot be inspired if your head is full of negativity, fear, lack of forgiveness and the sense of wanting to be right all the time. You have to clear your subconscious and conscious mind of limiting beliefs, hurtful memories, and mental, emotional and physical blocks. My favorite technique currently is Ho'oponopno. I highly recommend the book "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale and if you can do a Seminar with Dr. Hew Len I highly recommend it. I saw him in person and he is definitely teaching from a very high level. I will not get into too much detail here... Stay tuned for more on this later. ♒♒ If You can Stay Clear, Than You Can Stay Inspired ♒♒ Having clarity in your life IS NOT seeing how your entire life will unfold clearly, rather, it's about continuously being in the moment and keeping your subconscious mind clear, SO INSPIRED thoughts can flow through you. Inspiration = Bliss. If you are living an inspired life, than you are following your Unique path, the road not taken and creating a Masterpiece for the world to behold… YOU! "If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path." — Joseph Campbell FOLLOW YOUR BLISS AND DOORS WILL OPEN... (Part 1 of 2)
♫ $ ♬ The HOLY GRAIL of Success Revealed ♫ $ ♬ You are truly unique at the highest level of your being, and you have something Unique to share with the universe that NO ONE ELSE CAN SHARE. Once you become clear and channel this, you will find your TRUE BLISS OR PASSION! "When you follow your bliss doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else. " — Joseph Campbell ♫ $ ♬ The Search for the HOLY GRAIL - The Untrodden Path ♫ $ ♬ The Grail legends and the search for the Holy Grail are one of the most treasured and talked about mythologies in Western literature. Galahad, the illegitimate son of Lancelot and Elaine, is the pure and innocent Knight that actually finds and sees the Holy Grail, and receives the rapture of the highest blessings that it bestows. While there are many interpretations of the Symbology of the Grail, what fascinates me the most is that Galahad mainly travels Alone and FINDS HIS OWN PATH!! He DOES NOT follow the path set by the other knights or people before him. "If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path." — Joseph Campbell ♫ $ ♬ Finding Your HOLY GRAIL ♫ $ ♬ I like to think of the Grail as our Physical, emotional and mental body and the elixir of immortality as OUR Higher Self, I AM Presence, God within, Intuition, etc. Words fail to describe this inner essence or pure subjectivity of who we really are. Once you are in alignment with your Higher Self, the spirit/wine of God flows into the chalice of your Body/Mind Vessel and you experience the Rapture of Who YOU ARE! From this place of bliss, an inner clarity and vision starts to awaken and you begin your UNIQUE journey that never ends and always begins each moment. That is, it is clear what your gifts are, what you love to do and YOU DO IT with inspired and effortless action. It's effortless because you love doing it and time will fly and you will have a tremendous love of LIFE. "If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone else's." — Joseph Campbell ♫ $ ♬ What is it that you TRULY love to do? ♫ $ ♬ If you had a billion dollars and all the houses, cars, boats, private jets, clothes, watches and toys you could ever want, what would you do? What are your gifts? What do you have to share with the world that is truly unique to YOU AND YOU ALONE. Forget about doing what other people tell you that you SHOULD DO, or are SUPPOSED TO DO! Do not be fooled by the feeling guilty or obligated. THIS IS YOUR LIFE! CLAIM IT! What is it you really WANT to do? What do you love? What is your passion? "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." — Joseph Campbell ♫ You are Rich the MOMENT You make a dollar doing what you LOVE ♬ Depending on where you are in your life, you may still have to keep your job or source of income as a TRANSITION to making a FULL TIME living doing what you love. But start today! Even if it's part time, start today doing what you love NOW! I love to write and teach, especially the topics of Abundance, Humor, Health and Consciousness. My life has really been focused on these FOUR areas and I have a LOT TO SHARE and I LOVE SHARING AND INSPIRING OTHERS! I made the first dollar doing what I love by selling my first book, a humor book, for $5. Reflecting back, I really became rich at that point. Even though my life got a little side-tracked, I have really known for over a decade now, what my true passion is. I think it has been fear that has held me back the most, but no longer. I am in the flow of doing what I love now, and I am in a tremendous flow of abundance, happiness and passion for life. "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." — Joseph Campbell ♫ $ ♬ Enter the Forest, Find YOUR GRAIL ♫ $ ♬ "You enter the forest at the darkest point, where there is no path. Where there is a way or path, it is someone else's path. You are not on your own path. If you follow someone else's way, you are not going to realize your potential." -Joseph Campbell BECOMING A MONEY MAGNET (Part 2 of 2)
♒ Six Strategies to Become a Magnet of Attraction for Money ♒ ④♒ MAGNETIC ATTRACTION - Law of Attraction Revisited ♒④ Physical magnets attract at a strength related to their magnetization, mass and distance. The greater the magnetization and mass of the magnet, the larger the FORCE of attraction. Also the CLOSER the distance between the magnet and object, THE STRONGER THE ATTRACTION. Now since thoughts are magnetic, these ideas should also hold true. First, the greater the magnetization of an object, the greater the force of attraction will be on materials that have magnetic properties. Magnetization is simply the degree to which ALL the electrons in a substance are spinning together; that is in alignment (more on alignment in a bit). The strength of the magnetization of a thought is akin to the energy or emotion infused into the idea that you want to create. Remember fear repels and love and joy attract (that which you want). The intensity of the emotion is commensurate with the power of attraction for either good or ill. So be careful not to put a lot of fear and negative emotions into things, ideas and events YOU DO NOT WANT. A larger magnet will have more attraction than a smaller one. A bigger vision and larger thought will also hold more attraction. Think Big and Big things will happen. Finally, the smaller the distance between two magnetic objects the Stronger the force of attraction. That is, if you believe an idea will manifest quickly, it probably will. The universe likes speed, so act on your inspirations and believe that you can create anything. ⑤♒ DOMAINS - Regions of Thought A.K.A. Beliefs ♒⑤ Domains in a magnet are regions where the magnetic field is in perfect alignment (because the electrons are all spinning in the same direction). This is akin to beliefs you hold as beliefs are a network of thoughts strung together to give you a particular worldview or perception of reality. Many people hold A LOT of conflicting beliefs and this creates domains where the magnetic field is pointing in different directions. This creates a WEAK field of attraction. ⑥♒ ALIGNMENT - FOLLOW YOUR BLISS... DAMMIT ♒⑥ If your domains or beliefs are all in alignment with your TRUE life's purpose, you will be a Dynamo of Magnetic Attraction, a Person of High Charisma and overall you will possess a Magnetic Personality that can effortlessly attract anything. It's time to wake up and start doing what you love. You have a unique SOUL/SOLE purpose that NO ONE else can do BUT YOU! The Whole Universe is waiting for you to share your gift, so start sharing!!! This is BY FAR the most powerful principle of magnetically attracting ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! "When you follow your bliss...doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else. " — Joseph Campbell I would add to that wonderful quote from one of my favorite teachers... ...AND YOU WILL BECOME A POWERFUL MAGNET OF ATTRACTION FOR ANYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES... AND... A TRUE CREATOR OF A UNIVERSE KNOWN ONLY TO YOU! This idea of following YOUR BLISS is SO IMPORTANT to the law of attraction, that I will do another post ONLY on that topic (to be continued). BECOMING A MONEY MAGNET (Part 1 of 2)
♒ Six Strategies to Become a Magnet of Attraction for Money ♒ Understanding how to attract money (or anything you want) as a powerful as a supermagnet that can lift a two ton car begins with the understanding SIX Principles of Magnetism: RIGHT MATERIAL, FIELDS, POLARITY, ATTRACTION, DOMAINS and ALIGNMENT. Then applying these ideas to the how the mind can attract ANYTHING it desires. THIS IS REALLY COOL STUFF. ①♒ WE LIVE IN A MATERIAL WORLD TO GET MORE MATERIAL ♒① The most common elements that are known to be able to be magnetized are iron, steel, nickel and cobalt. Aluminum also can to some degree. The key to these elements is that the free electrons are all spinning in the right direction. So you NEED the right material or substance or there will be no magnetism. When it comes to attracting money with the power of attention and affirmation, in this case the MIND is the material. In order for the mind to become magnetic, you need to feed it the RIGHT MATERIAL. This is mainly about clearing and reprogramming the subconscious mind and its simply a matter of spending AT LEAST one hour a day on personal development. Reading inspiring books, listening to CDs and watching DVDs of people that are already massively successful and MAGNETIC. Live seminars and personal coaching is EVEN BETTER. So try to do at least one inspiration seminar a month if possible OR as often as you can. Try to ONLY listen, read and watch information written or taught by people THAT HAVE THE RESULTS YOU SEEK! There is so much information out there, so you have to look at who is living by example! INVEST IN YOURSELF By Learning from people that have the results YOU DESIRE! ②♒ FIELD OF DREAMS ♒② In physics, fields are the fundamental entity of the universe, NOT PARTICLES. Particles and forces arise from fields and all the areas of physics can be described in terms of a unified field theory. I am sure you have done the experiment of sprinkling iron filings around a bar magnet. In doing so you can clearly see the field of the magnet. Well the body and mind ALSO has a magnetic field that can be detected. In relation to attracting anything you want, this field is the transmitter and receiver of consciousness. Anything to think, speak, affirm and act on will create a VERY REAL broadcast to the universe and you will attract exactly what you focus on. The longer, clearer and more emotional the thought, the more powerful the field strength and the faster you will attract that which you focus on. WHATEVER YOU FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON YOU ATTRACT AND MANIFEST IN YOUR LIFE! The other side to fields and attraction is BEING IN THE PRESENCE of people who ALREADY have a strong magnetism and field. Just as a magnetic can turn a nail or paperclip into a magnet, being in the presence of successful, charismatic and positive people will STRENGTHEN YOUR FIELD. ③♒ POLE SHIFT ♒③ The idea of North and South Poles in magnetism is fairly straightforward. Field lines flow out the North Pole and Flow into the South Pole of a magnet, including the big magnet of the earth. In magnetism, opposites attract, i.e. North attracts South and like poles repel, i.e. South repels South. In the LAW of ATTRACTION, is the opposite. You attract into your life exactly the thought, word, vision and energy you transmit. Your thoughts are magnetic and they ATTRACT EXACTLY What it is you are focusing and visualizing. The Universe DOES NOT know or understand the word DONT. By saying, "I don't want to be in debt" or "I don't want to get sick", notice WHERE YOUR ATTENTION IS! You are still focusing on debt and sickness. This is EXTREMELY important to understand. Never use a double negative in order to manifest something. It's better to say, I am a millionaire, or I am a money magnet, money always flows into my life. And I am healthy and strong, and I am growing younger each day. ALWAYS AFFIRM THE POSITIVE OF WHAT IT IS YOU WANT. So like ATTRACTS like. Even if its something you dont want, If you focus your attention on it, you will create it! Back to attracting WHAT YOU DO WANT (one last point). There cannot be any attachment or neediness when you focus on what it is you wish to manifest. Attachment and neediness will surely REPELL the very thing you desire. Attraction must be from a place of Love not Fear. Simply put, Love attracts and Fear repels. Anything you want to create ALWAYS come from a place of love and joy and you will ALWAYS attract that which you want! (Stay Tuned for Part 2) FRIENDS AND FORTUNE
♧ The Greatest Fortune is Friendship ♧ I really think the Greatest Fortune on the beautifully bountiful journey of life is having close friends that think, speak and vibrate at a very loving, positive and prosperous frequency. I am very blessed with such friendships and I am very proud to say that the inner group of people I connect, share, talk, play, create, laugh and love with are some of the greatest gems on Planet Earth. It's a rare treasure to find a friend you can discuss big Ideas and Visions with that are totally inspired and full of positive energy. ♧ Choose Your Friends WISELY ♧ "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." -Jim Rohn I really love this quote, my only addition to that would be ... "including yourself first and foremost." But undoubtedly, our environment and the people we spend our time with has a VERY POWERFUL influence on our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, attitude, health and well being. While we cannot necessary change our family members, WE CAN choose our friends. And its especially important to choose those people you spend the most time with VERY WISELY. If you are interested in Abundance of Health, Wealth, Happiness and Wisdom, than choose people that you spend the most time with that are Vibrant, Prosperous, Happy and Wise. ♧ Friendship - The Greatest Fortune ♧ "A friend is a present you give yourself." - Robert Louis Stevenson Surrounding yourself and your life with Luminous, prosperous and happy people is easily the fastest and most effortless road to Success. It has been my experience that the greatest examples of happy, healthy and successful people I know, seem to attract an inner circle of close friends that share a similar mindset. As one example, my Friend and Mentor Peter Ragnar is one of the most radiant, successful and loving examples of a human being I know. He is a millionaire, extremely fit and healthy, happy, conscious, loving and wise. I never miss any of his events and his inner circle of friends are some of my closest and best friends in this life. We all share a positive attitude, prosperity thinking, health awareness and overall just an amazing love of life. ♧ Friendships are FOR-GIVING ♧ “We cannot tell the exact moment a friendship is formed; as in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses, there is at last one that makes the heart run over.” - Gloria Naylor Be generous, kind, loving and GIVING to those you hold most dear. Giving and receiving is the flow of the Universe and your closest friends and loved ones are the best opportunity to exercise the Gift of giving. You will find that the more you give out of love to those you love, the more Abundance you will receive. Giving is truly a gift and your divine Friendships are the Greatest Treasure, so formulate the map of your life in the direction Success, Love, Health, Wisdom, Consciousness and Happiness and you will find the buried treasure of Love right within your very own heart. For you must truly love yourself first to love others and give to others fully. It's a one inch journey to the center of your heart, where the greatest Fortune of the Universe Lies --- LOVE! NEW DEFINITION OF SUCCESS... Revealed
☀ It's Not JUST How Much Money You Make, It's ALSO How Much You Give Away In the Form of Appreciation ☼ REMEMBER: The Soul/Sole purpose of Money is to Express Appreciation We need to supplement the idea that Success is measured by how much money we make or earn in the form of a monthly or yearly salary. Success is EQUALLY or even more greatly measured by how much you give away by appreciating people, businesses or organizations that inspire and enrich your life. It's not that income, nice things and accomplishments are not part of the success equation, because they are! But you will never lead a balanced and happy life if you do not appreciate others by GIVING! Giving with appreciation will connect you to other people, the planet and the Source of ALL. ☀ The NEW Formula of Success ☼ The new formula of success is FLOW, not a bank statement. When I say flow, I mean a FLOW of giving and receiving. The FLOW of SUCCESS is a process not a state of being. That is, The FLOW of SUCCESS is Dynamic, Not Static. One way to measure The FLOW OF SUCCESS is by calculating the PERCENTAGE of how much you give to how much you earn. Flow of Success = [(How Much You Give/How Much You Earn) x 100] % For example, if you follow the standard Tithing principle, you would GIVE 10% of whatever you EARNED. If you made $100,000 a year and gave away $10,000 then your FLOW of SUCCESS is 10%. Notice that is NOT how much money you give, but rather the percentage of your total income that determines your Flow of Success. ☀ Conclusion ☼ It's not how much money you make, but rather the percentage of your total income that you GIVE AWAY (with Appreciation) that determines your TRUE Success, your FLOW of Success. The More you Appreciate Others, The More Your Income Appreciates.. ...and then you Can Appreciate Others EVEN MORE and Your income grows EVEN More... ......and then you Can Appreciate Others YET EVEN MORE and Your income grows YET EVEN More...... ... ... ... And before you Know it, you are GIVING AND RECEIVING in the MILLIONS! The Divine FLOW of PROSPERITY
╰☆╮It's Easier and Faster to Make a LOT of Money, than a Little ╰☆╮ I had an ABSOLUTE Epiphany or Revelation last night on how Abundance FLOWS by reflecting on my 4 years teaching Physics and a few fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and electrical current flow. The idea is simple and scientific and I GUARANTEE IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IF YOU "GET IT"! ╰☆╮The More You Give, The More You Receive & The EASIER it Gets! What if I told you it is easier to receive and give LARGE amounts of money than it is to give and receive smaller amounts. You may think it is easier to make a hundred dollars than a million, and you are right if you frame it that way. BUT it's EASIER to GIVE A MILLION and MAKE A MILLION than to give a dollar and make a dollar. The difference is FLOW, both giving and receiving. Obviously you cannot give a million dollars if you don't have it, but you CAN give a BOLD and large amount OR PERCENTAGE of what your currently have. A true measure of Abundant FLOW is the PERCENTAGE of your income you GIVE TO PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS THAT INSPIRE YOU. This is sometimes referred to as Tithing and you ABSOLUTELY MUST TITHE TO RECEIVE ABUNDANCE! Tithing is just another word for giving, but its more specific because it means giving to a PERSON or CAUSE that inspires you or enriches your life. 10% is a good starting point but work up to 20% or even MORE. (Henceforth we will use "giving" or "tithing" interchangeably) ╰☆╮Have You Ever Wondered Why Money is Called Currency? To understand this, lets talk a little about currents and flow. The easiest way to visualize flow is probably the way a meandering river flows. Typically the rate of the flow is called the CURRENT. The current of a river is a velocity and could be measured in meters/sec or miles/hr. Another example of flow is electricity. Because electricity FLOWS in an analogous way to water moving along a river; the FLOW of electricity is also called a CURRENT. Only electrical current is measured in AMPS, which is basically a measure of the amount of charge moving per unit time. Still other examples of flow would be heat flow, wind velocities, traffic flow and YES MONEY FLOW. The amount of CURRENCY YOU receive is related to the FLOW (or CURRENT) of ABUNDANCE you GIVE as a PERCENTAGE of your total income. Money is currency because it flows like other fluids; that is money is a current or flow of energy. ╰☆╮The Physics of FLOW - Opening the FLOODGATES To Abundance! TWO of the Basic principles of fluid dynamics: 1) The wider the diameter of the tube (wire or pipe, etc) the lower the resistance. 2) The lower the viscosity (or thickness/stickiness) of the fluid, the lower the resistance. LOWER RESISTANCE MEANS FASTER AND GREATER CURRENT FLOW, or FLOW OF CURRENCY (aka MONEY). It's the Scientific FACT that electrical currents and fluids FLOW with less resistance when they flow through a wide opening OR when the liquid is a low viscosity (in electrical circuits lower viscosity would be LOWER temperature ---> to the point of being a superconductor). The Percentage of your total income you give is analogous to a wide pipe or wire, meaning that money will FLOW easily without resistance! The willingness and ease of GIVING is the viscosity (or lower temperature). Flowing in Abundance is ALL about giving a BOLD and generous percentage of your total income AND giving with ease and absolutely no regrets or resistance. ╰☆╮The Word AFFLUENCE has its Roots in FLOW╰☆╮ The word AFFLUENCE literally means to FLOW TOWARDS. prp. of affluere "flow toward," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + fluere "to flow" If you want to experience AFFLUENCE, ABUNDANCE, OPULENCE, WEALTH, PROSPERITY, MONEY AND RICHES, Than you absolutely must FLOW by giving and receiving. REMEMBER IT'S EASIER AND FASTER TO GIVE AND RECEIVE A LARGE FLOW OF ABUNDANCE THAN A SMALLER FLOW: $$$ THE KEY IS GIVING A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF YOUR "CURRENT" EARNINGS AND BEING OPEN TO RECEIVE EVEN AN EVEN LARGER FLOW BACK! $$$ THE FASTEST WAY TO RECEIVE ABUNDANCE --- REVEALED!
♡♡♡ White - The Color of GIVING ♡♡♡ White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, and purity. Because white contains ALL colors of the spectrum, it has everything TO GIVE. It reflects or radiates. White is well known to be an appropriate color for charitable organizations; angels are usually imagined wearing white clothes. So while I discussed in my last post how black is the color of Attraction, white is the color of radiation or GIVING. In order to receive you must give, and in order to give you must receive. Nothing is really black or white, but to be in the FLOW of Abundance, you must be a conduit or channel for BOTH giving and receiving, ATTRACTING AND RADIATING. NOTE: As I discussed in my last post, on giving and receiving; these two forces drive ALL of creation. Namely Gravitation or contraction (pulling in or receiving) and Radiation or Repulsion (radiating out or Giving). You may want to read this post if you have not done so for further clarity! ♡ Fastest Way to Receive more Abundance is to Give Abundantly ♡ Say this to yourself EVERY DAY, SEVERAL TIMES A DAY! The fastest way to receive abundance is to give abundantly! You may have heard of the Law of 10-Fold return, which means that for anything you give out of love will be returned to you 10-FOLD! The key is out of LOVE with no mental brakes and no regrets. Just know that you will always receive more than you give, so NEVER worry about giving money or anything out of love, because it will always come back to you 10-fold. (And DO NOT Forget to include YOU. The law of 10-fold return INCLUDES YOU so Appreciate yourself as well.) ♡ Life is truly Forgiving, that is FOR-GIVING! ♡ I am just staying in a very positive space and letting money flow by giving and receiving... There are no "brakes" in my mind on spending or giving to others. No regrets, only love and appreciation…. Mother Teresa once said, "It is not how much you give, but how much love you put in the giving". Do small things with great love. So its not only about giving big gifts to those you love, but finding little opportunities to give out of love. ♡ Give to Others WITH Expectations ♡ Yes, you heard me correctly - GIVE with Expectation; BUT here is the KEY, you are giving with no expectations from the person, group or organization you are giving to BUT you are definitely giving with expectation from the the Universal flow to send you more abundance, so you can give EVEN more. Expecting Abundance by giving is claiming your rightful position as a Creator and Magician that can conjure anything from the infinite void of possibilities. I always give large tips to waiters, my hair stylist, my guy who washes my car and any opportunity to express appreciation... Be a big tipper, be generous and magnanimous and let money flow by giving and always look for opportunities to give. If you appreciate others, then your net worth appreciates. If you enrich the lives of others, then you become RICH! Always remember that the SOUL purpose of money is to express appreciation and the fastest way to receive money is TO GIVE IT! I Appreciate and LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! |
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