Bryant Meyers, B.S. M.A. Physics, is a bestselling author and leading expert in the field of energy medicine and PEMF therapy, a former TV show host, and former college physics and math professor. For over 25 years, Bryant has researched, tested, tried, and investigated over a million dollars worth of energy medicine devices, researching them thoroughly and studying with many of the world’s leading experts. He has personally helped thousands of people with energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices. During the past 16 years, Bryant has dedicated his research to PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy because he feels it is THE most effective and best-researched energy medicine device available today. His groundbreaking book, PEMF – The 5th Element of Health, is a consistent bestseller in its field and has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide. Bryant has been featured on GaiamTV, Hayhouse Radio, The Brian Tracy Show and aired on various ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox stations across the country. Currently Bryant is a faculty member at Quantum University where he has courses on energy medicine and PEMF Therapy.

You probably know that food, water, sunlight, and oxygen are required for life, but there is a fifth element of health that is equally vital and often overlooked: The Earth’s magnetic field and its corresponding PEMFs (pulsed electromagnetic fields). The two main components of Earth’s PEMFs, the Schumann and Geomagnetic frequencies, are so essential that NASA and the Russian space program equip their spacecrafts with devices that replicate these frequencies. These frequencies are absolutely necessary for the human body’s circadian rhythms, energy production, and even keeping the body free from pain. But there is a big problem on planet earth right now, rather, a twofold problem, as to why we are no longer getting these life-nurturing energies of the earth. In this book we’ll explore the current problem and how the new science of PEMF therapy (a branch of energy medicine), based on modern quantum field theory, is the solution to this problem, with the many benefits listed below:
• eliminate pain and inflammation naturally
• get deep, rejuvenating sleep
• increase your energy and vitality
• feel younger, stronger, and more flexible
• keep your bones strong and healthy
• help your body with healing and regeneration
• improve circulation and heart health
• plus many more benefits
• eliminate pain and inflammation naturally
• get deep, rejuvenating sleep
• increase your energy and vitality
• feel younger, stronger, and more flexible
• keep your bones strong and healthy
• help your body with healing and regeneration
• improve circulation and heart health
• plus many more benefits